Early sales secured!


We’ve had a great start to our year, securing sales across the board, with the £200 – £500,000 bracket being the most active. Our team of experts are busy with viewings and take-ons, despite the weather. We’d advise sellers to price sensibly to attract interest, have an open mind and above all to be positive. With Islanders needing to borrow less to buy their homes and steady sales year on year, we are confident we are going to see another successful year.
Andy Biggins – Director

Mortgage Calculator


Document Duty
Monthly Repayments
(Additional Residence Duty* )
You also need to factor in legal fees, court, Greffe, registration and bond fees which are variable depending on the size, nature and complexity of the purchase. *Properties purchased that are not utilised as a primary residence will incur an additional 2% document duty.

To find out more about a Swoffers Mortgage,
please call us today on 01481 711766

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